Hello all
Is there a way to optimize the code I have writen, or is this the shortes
way to this shape?
Loek Peters
// begin
#include "colors.inc"
background { color Black }
camera {
location <0, 0, 10>
look_at <0, 0, -1>
light_source { <1, 3, 6> color White}
declare myTexture =
texture {
pigment { color rgb <0.56,0.35,0.30> }
normal { bumps 0.7 scale 0.02 }
finish {ambient 0.27 diffuse 0.8 phong 0.2}
declare rod = union {
sphere {
<0, 3, 2>, 0.5
sphere {
<0, -3, 2>, 0.5
cylinder {
<0, 3, 2>,
<0, -3, 2>,
texture { myTexture }
difference {
object { rod }
box {
<-0.6, -3.6, 1>,
< 0.6, 3.6, 2>
texture { myTexture }
object {rod scale <-0.7, 0.954, 0>}
object {rod scale <-0.1, 0.875, 1> translate <0,0,-0.5>}
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